Agnes Mira Rosa has created a unique style of feminine glamour. She has created her own unique Haute...

Trio of Brides!

Thursday, 06 June 2013

Today’s commercial shoot was wedding based, caputuring not only 1 bride but three.
We spent part of the morning and late afternoon with Sunita from ‘ST Weddings & Events’.
Below is a little summary of the event:

Every type of bride, what ever religion, background or race deserves to have her special day! S.T Weddings & Events provides this excellent service from A-Z planning to just even day co-ordination for all types of brides.
Based in London, known as one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, S.T Weddings & Events has the privilege of planning weddings and events for all type sof brides from all walks of life! So get in touch today and see what S.T Weddings & Events can do for you today.
‘Trio of Brides’ Concept and creative directed by Sunita, Photography by Amberfly Photography, Make Up by Looksi Beauty. Models : Anita, Yasmine and Trudi. 3 BRIDES