Berty & Gerty Home Of Vintage Accessories.
Last week we couldn’t keep our mitts off the gem, pearl, glitter, sequined embellished encrusted jumpers. This week we are totally in love with fluffy furry jumpers. Virginia our model, and go to style advisor, has a massive collection of angora jumpers in all colours. Gerty (Me) wasn’t so refined recently after making a bit of a boo-boo or in fashion speak, fashion faux Pas darling… At the start of the season I decided to pull a rather tight fitting 100% fluffy angora over ones head, only 2 minutes after using some lush moisturizing cream, needless to say, I ended up a little more fluffy than originally planned. Here at Berty & Gerty Vintage this seasons style advice is moisturise after you have your fluffy number is in place. Please take a look at what we have to offer: