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5 Simple & Easy Tips to Live a More Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Life Every Day
We are all trying to live a guilt-free life and sustainability is becoming a huge issue for our generation. It can get overwhelming when you don’t know where to start so we’re here to bring you five easy tips to start your journey to an eco-friendly life! If you’ve got a great tip for sustainable living, then leave us a comment below – we’re still learning too!
1. Go Vegan
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Making the change to an animal free, plant based diet is one of the biggest things you can do to make a vast difference to both the health of our planet and your own health. I recommend watching Cowspiracy (which is available to watch on Netflix, FYI). If you’re finding it hard to cut out the chocolate and cheese, then don’t beat yourself up! Everyone has there own pace and simply cutting out meat can make a huge difference. It’s just baby steps….Plus, you’ll be amazed at the wide range of new, exciting foods that you never bothered to try before!
2. Shop Ethically
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It’s no surprise that we’re huge fans of sustainable style – it’s what we do! But this isn’t just about us! There are plenty of places to get your eco-friendly fashion fix! If you love vintage then check out our ‘Just In’ section for the newest arrivals. If you prefer a bit of high street fashion but hate the guilt of buying new, then head over to the Depop app. Plus, there are plenty of charity shops and car boot sales happening locally where you can buy some second-hand goodies at great prices! Or if you’re up for a fun night out, find a local clothes swap and take your BFF.
3. Re-use, Re-use, Re-use
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Are you a fan of Starbucks? Well instead of taking your morning latte to-go in one of their plastic cups, take your own re-usable cup! Plus, Instagram does not need any more photos of a cup with your name on it, okay? Good. Whilst we’re on the subject of drinks, make sure you have a re-usable bottle for water and keep it in your handbag so you don’t have the temptation to grab that bottle of Evian when your out and about.
4. Visit a Library
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If you’re a fan of reading then why not try out your local library instead of paying full price for a hardback that’s gonna sit on a shelf doing nothing for years. You might end up finding a new favourite. Or if the library ain’t your thing then there’s always google! There are loads of great articles and books at the tips of your fingers and you don’t even have to get out of bed – win!
5. Recycle
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An obvious one, we admit, but still very important. Plus, you’d be surprised at how many people still don’t recycle. If you need more info, then just visit your local council’s website. Simple!