Cancellation form

Template Cancellation Form

If you would like to withdraw from your contract with us, please complete this form and send it back to us:

either at our address:

ASOS Marketplace Limited, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7FB

or scanned/photographed by E-Mail:

I would like to withdraw from my contract for the purchase of goods as listed:____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

(* list items for which you wish to withdraw)

Order Number ____________________(* Please give us the Order Number this relates to which you will find on your confirmation of order email or within your account details) (*)

Bought on _________________(*date) /delivered on :______________(*date):

Customer Title______________________________________

Customer Name______________________________________

Customer Signature____________________________________ (No need for signature unless returning this form by hard copy)

Date _______________________________________________

(*) Complete or delete as applicable