Kington, UK

Freedom of Ztyle (FOZi) celebrate Unique and Creative Style with our sustainable and ethical fashion...

Oscars Galore!

Monday, 27 February 2012

At this very moment, I am glued to E! re-run of the redcarpet action of last night oscars! At the same time, i have the laptop in my knee, browsing Style.Com, thouroughly going through all the pictures of all those lovely dresses! This is a fab Monday chore, I have to admit!

So my absolute favourite has got to be Rose Byrne and her black Vivienne Westwood dress! simple and Stunning! Gwyneth Paltrow, Octavia Spencer, Rooney Mara and Angelina are my other favourites abd there is a clear red line between all my choices- simple and stunning, black and white! Gorgeousness!

Stunning Rose Byrne (bridesmaids) in a fantastic black beaded Vivienne Westwood! Clear favourite!

Rose Byrne in Vivienne Westwood

And, what do you know- you can grab a similar Vintage dress from our very own collection on offer- black vintage beaded gown! Looks great belted!

BLack beaded vinatge gown

Angelina Always looks stunning! Her and Brad are Mr and Mrs Hollywood like no others! Striking in black velvet Versace!
Aangelina in black velvet Versace

We @631 love rocking black velvet as well! This dress is super flattering and a complete bargain!
vintage black velvet dress

My other favourites are the visions in white. I love how they all pull this off effortlessly without it looking too bridal or washed out!

Gwyneth in white Tom Ford

Rooney Mara

Octavia Spencer