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Back after a year's hiatus. EPOP-UP for September. Providing quality vintage since 2013.

GTL: Buying Vintage, Buying Eco

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

On 24 April 2013, over 1,100 people were killed and thousands injured when a building in Bangladesh collapsed. Primark, Matalan and Mango were amongst some of the major brands which housed factories there.

Charity ‘War on Want’ said “Public pressure has forced Primark [and others, in the past such as H&M] to rethink its responsibilities to the people who make its clothes. Yet the vast majority of workers [from China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Phillippines] are still paid well below a living wage”.

Other concerns have been voiced over the living and working conditions of the factories.

We admit we don’t know the birth origins of our vintage garms, but coming before an age of hard and fast profit margins, and respectable names such as Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger we take solace in their manufacture.

When you next go shopping, on behalf of not just the retail fashion industry in general, but for humanitarian reasons, we ask you to at least consider the possible supply chains. Keep an eye out for eco-friendly attire that some retailers now offer, such as American Apparel’s organic line.

And if you’re doubtful of its roots, why not come to the greenest kids in town?

Another reason to stay GTL x