We are an Independent Brand based in the UK owned by Jake Watson and Craig Tullis. “This is a space...
Taking Care
Every synthetic material is different, some of them very durable, others more sensitive.
How to:
Most of them can be washed by machine or by hand, but be careful with harsh detergents, they may bleach or harm the fabric.
The care label tells you how to best keep your favourites safe from harm, make sure you read it. Please consider the environment when washing – colder water saves energy.
Here’s a sweet-smelling old-school tip for all those once-whites, that are now looking a little dull.
You need:
Formerly white clothes and a few lemons.
How to:
Forget about bleach. It’s bad for the environment and does in fact turn some fabrics yellow. Soak your garments in warm water and lemon juice overnight. Or you can add a cup of lemon juice into the fabric softener compartment, next time you wash whites. Wash as usual and then hang to dry, fingers crossed for sunshine.
Always read the care label thoroughly before treating any stains. Make sure that the treatment won’t damage the fabric by testing a small amount somewhere less visible.