Scarborough, UK

Bringing you the VERY BEST in Vintage clothing... Any questions about items etc please don't hesitate...

Its been a while, old friends

Sunday, 17 January 2016

It has been well over a year since our last blog – you dont realise where the time seems to go.

To the contrary 2015 was an incredibly busy year. We pushed a lot of shorts with a strong focus on sprinters to get you all set for the holiday season. We began using ebay a little more for particular gems and also got in some new faces to help us move forward. We also set up our instagram as a place where products could be shown across the globe. Check us out over there is you get chance.

What we were digging in 2015 :

Sprinter Shorts
Football Scarves
The Louvre, Paris
Art Nerd Shirts
Harley Davidson Merch
Knit Jumpers
Fallout 4
Classic American College tees

Some people ask why our photography is still shot outdoors against green backgrounds. The simple answer is this. We were one of the first boutiques to come to Marketplace and back then there were certain stipulations with the photography that the photos were shot outside. That has all changed now into what you see 95% of boutiques doing indoors in what look like professional studios. We will stick to our guns though and and retain that element of originaility in the process. There is, we feel, an Englishness and identity now to our shots which we do not plan to change in the near future.

Its onwards and upwards in 2016, we are already looking forward to the Summer and brighter weather and wish everyone all the very best in all your adventures. The Vintage denver Team.